Cherry cheesecake lush layers

Cherry Cheesecake Lush Layers:

Indulge in the decadent delight of Cherry Cheesecake Lush Layers, a sumptuous dessert that tantalizes the taste buds with its harmonious blend of creamy cheesecake, luscious cherries, and buttery graham cracker crust. This heavenly creation begins with a foundation of golden-brown graham cracker crumbs, delicately mixed with melted butter to form a delectable crust that provides the perfect balance of sweetness and crunch.


Next comes the creamy cheesecake layer, a velvety-smooth concoction that melts in your mouth with each luxurious bite. Made with a creamy blend of cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract, this layer adds a rich and decadent element to the dessert, setting the stage for the flavors to come.

But the true star of this dessert is the layer of juicy, ruby-red cherries, their sweetness bursting with every bite. Whether fresh, canned, or in the form of a homemade cherry compote, these cherries add a burst of vibrant color and fruity flavor that elevates the cheesecake to new heights of culinary bliss. Each spoonful is a symphony of textures and tastes, with the creamy cheesecake perfectly complemented by the tartness of the cherries.




As if that weren’t enough, Cherry Cheesecake Lush Layers is crowned with a final layer of whipped cream, its light and airy texture adding a delightful contrast to the richness of the cheesecake and the sweetness of the cherries. With each forkful, you’ll experience a medley of flavors and textures that dance on your palate, leaving you craving just one more bite.

Whether served at a special occasion or simply enjoyed as a decadent treat, Cherry Cheesecake Lush Layers is sure to delight dessert lovers of all ages. With its irresistible combination of creamy cheesecake, sweet cherries, and buttery graham cracker crust, this dessert is a true testament to the magic of layering flavors and textures to create a culinary masterpiece





• 1-14 ounce package of golden oreos, crushed in processor

• ⅓ cup butter, salted and melted

• 1 tbsp for preparing the pan

• 8 ounces cream cheese, softened to room temp

• ¾ cup white sugar

• 16 ounces frozen whipped topping, thawed

• 2 small boxes of Cheesecake flavored instant pudding mix

• 3 cups whole milk

• 2 large cans of cherry pie filling

• 1 cup chopped pecans or chopped walnuts


• Butter the inside of a 9×13 baking dish and set to the side

• Crush the cookies until small crumbs form

• Add the melted butter and pulse until combined

• Place the cookie mix into the bottom of the baking dish, press down and make the layer as even as possible

• Place the crust into the freezer for 10 minutes while you make the filling.

• In a bowl beat together the cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and 1 cup of the whipped topping.

• Mix until smooth

• Spread this mixture over the cookie crust and place back into the freezer for another 10 minutes

• In another bowl combine the 2 packages of pudding mix, the milk and ½ cup of whipped topping mix. Using a whisk, whisk until it begins to thicken

• Spread the pudding over the chilled cream cheese layer, smooth evenly and chill for 30 minutes or until the pudding is set

• After 30 minutes, pour the Cherry pie filling over the pudding layer very carefully so as to not mix layers together

• Carefully spread the remaining whipped topping over the entire dessert

• Top with chopped pecans and chill for 1 to 2 hours before serving.

• Enjoy!